October End
25/10/20 12:35
While we were in the States, Burkhard Holzner was to preach for me one Sunday but he did not show up for church. Two of the men went looking for him and found him dead at the kitchen table. It was quite a shock for the church even though we knew he had several health problems.
The church was to take care of everything for him in this case. So in our absence they prepared the funeral service and carried it out. Zach Murphy, who with his wife had lived and worked with Burkhard hoping to start a church in Celle, came back from Cologne where they now work to lead the service. Most who attended were from the Peine church or churches where Burkhard had been.
While I was a single missionary, green behind the ears, I taught with Burkhard a home Bible study that later became the Hildesheim church. Burkhard was the first one we told that we had got engaged and he read 1.Cor. 13 in German at our wedding. He also graduated from Ozark Christian College after seeing the need for more Bible knowledge; He left his good job as an engineer to do that.
We and the church will miss him.

While I was a single missionary, green behind the ears, I taught with Burkhard a home Bible study that later became the Hildesheim church. Burkhard was the first one we told that we had got engaged and he read 1.Cor. 13 in German at our wedding. He also graduated from Ozark Christian College after seeing the need for more Bible knowledge; He left his good job as an engineer to do that.
We and the church will miss him.