29/07/20 10:53
It has been exciting the last couple of weeks with reports from people in the church. 1) One woman has been helping a woman, who comes occasionally to special services, with wallpapering. This woman mentioned how amazing “you Christians” are, “you are always helping each other.” She grew up in communist atheistic East Germany. Our member has also been able to occasionally share a few words of faith.
Another woman has been attending church most weeks. She has major problems at home and a woman in our church has taken her under her wings, visiting and calling weekly. We had our first Stammtisch (regulars table) this month with people getting take-out and eating all together in our back yard. Brigitte came and it was the first time I ever saw her laugh. She said how good it was for her.
Another couple in the church invited mutual non-churched friends over for cake and coffee and they started asking about faith and spiritual things.
Our job is not to do everything ourselves but to equip the saints for service (Eph.4:11-12) so when we hear reports like these, we are excited about what the church is doing.