Randy and Katy Smelser

Americans living in Germany but citizens of heaven

A Short History….
Randy and Katy met in Vienna, Austria at TCM (a mission behind the Iron Curtain) in 1981. Randy had just completed an internship in southern Germany. He returned in 1985 to Hanover, Germany working with the Gemeinde Christi. Katy joined the work as an intern in 1988 and they married the same year. They moved in 1990 to work more intensively with the Peine home Bible study. Through youth outreach, using English and home Bible studies, they helped lay the foundation for a church in Hildesheim (1992) and started the church in Peine (1994). Randy has also led in establishing the Latin American church in Hannover (2000). They have been working with the Christusgemeinde Peine since its founding.
Katy teaches English to adults, works with the women‘s Bible Study and in Sunday School and has a hospitality ministry. She graduated with a MA (TESOL) from Biola University, LA, CA in May 2016. Randy received his TESOL Certificate in Dec. 2016 from Biola University. They both teach English at the Kreisvolkshochschule (county adult education centre) in Peine. The Smelsers have also used the English training as part of
Leadership Lab International as teachers and mentors for the training of future leaders through the Scripture Union program in Croatia.
They are both started in 2015 working with Syrians refugees in Peine, Germany thru the organization
Familien für Familien (Families for Families). They have continued since 2022 with Ukrainian refugees.

our-home our summer home

winter-home our winter home
IMG_3593 we are adoptive „Oma and Opa“
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